Neosys-Team Safety and Risk Management
Our employees are experienced specialists in all matters relating to safety in your company and your work processes: Occupational health and safety, hazardous goods and hazardous substance management, explosion protection, chemical safety and material compliance, incident prevention, etc.
Barbara Morasch
Dr. rer. nat. Environmental microbiologist, SUVA safety assistant
Management, chemicals law & hazardous substance management, accident prevention, protection concepts, hazardous goods officer
Maria Bühler
Dipl. Umweltingenieurin FH, Environmental engineer FH,
Specialist ASGS (federal FA), Explosion Protection Manager CFPA-E
Occupational health and safety, product safety, dangerous goods and hazardous substance management, building pollutants, dangerous goods officer
Elvira Goloda
MSc Environmental Sciences, SUVA Safety Assistant, Material Compliance Officer
Chemicals legislation & hazardous substance management, accident prevention
Sarah Gysin
Chemical laboratory assistant (EFZ)
Specialist ASGS (federally certified)
Hazardous substance management,
Occupational health and safety,
Radiation protection,
QM (ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001),
dangerous goods officer
Jürg Liechti
Dr. sc.nat., physicist
Management, risk management, risk analyses, management systems, ecological, economic and social balances, waste management
Angela Mastronardi
Dipl. Umweltingenieurin FH, Environmental Engineer FH, CAS Sustainable Corporate Management
Management systems, environmental analyses, hazardous goods management, audits, training, dangerous goods officer
Benoît Poltera
MSc Biology
Legal and environmental analyses, inspections, legal updates, dangerous goods officer
Felix von Reding
Dipl. Umweltingenieurin FH, Chemist FH, industrial engineer STV, QMS organizer
Dangerous goods/hazardous substances management, explosion protection, audits, training, dangerous goods officer
Martin Schaub
BSc Energy and Environmental Engineering, Specialist ASGS (federal FA), Explosion Protection Officer CFPA-E, SAQ Environmental Manager, Adult Educator SVEB-1, Principles of Fire Safety Engineering CFPA
Legal and environmental analyses, inspections, updating legislation, consulting/testing explosion protection, product compliance
Aldo Seethaler
Electrician EFZ, SUVA safety assistant
Occupational health and safety,
Dangerous goods/hazardous materials management, dangerous goods officer