Services CSR and sustainability Sustainability companies municipalities Sustainable municipality development

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Sustainable development of municipalities

Neosys AG
Privatstrasse 10
4563 Gerlafingen

+41 32 674 45 11

Sustainable development of municipalities

Many municipalities are already actively implementing sustainability projects today. In the sense of «Local Agenda 21», they contribute to a balanced development of the environment, economy and society and can thus improve their attractiveness as a location. Especially for newcomers from the city, these aspects play an increasingly important role.

However, there is often a lack of a clear vision, good coordination or a focus of sustainability activities, or important areas are left out. Integration into existing systems such as NPM, WoV etc. is also sometimes still in its infancy.

The services of Neosys AG:

We support you in clarifying the sustainability vision or the legislative goals of your municipality and in analysing your starting position.

We advise you on the selection and implementation of suitable development tools such as management systems and their integration into existing systems such as WoV, NPM, etc.

Furthermore, we advise you on selected activities in our range of services, such as climate gas balance, sustainable procurement, sustainability reporting, team building, etc.

Your contact

Do you have any questions about our services?
We look forward to hearing from you.

Jürg Liechti
Sc. D. Physicst
Riskmanagement, Risikoanalysen, Managementsysteme,
ökonomische, ökologische und Sozialbilanzen, Abfallwirtschaft