Services Energy & the environment Energy Energy consumption analysis and optimisation

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Energy consumption analysis and optimisation

Energy consulting for industrial businesses.

Improving your energy efficiency is not just good for the environment, it is also good for your image and your bottom line.

Neosys AG
Privatstrasse 10
4563 Gerlafingen

+41 32 674 45 11

Energy consumption analysis and optimisation

Save energy and money

  • Do you want to establish once and for all where your business is spending most on energy consumption?
  • Would you like to adjust your plant technical systems or auxiliary energy systems (compressed air, refrigeration, heating, etc.) to save energy and costs (operational optimisation)?
  • Are you keen to optimise your process energy consumption or to start using renewable energy sources?
  • Do you need to comply with the legal requirements for large-scale consumers?

Taking stock of your energy needs
A comprehensive analysis of the energy flows in your business is a prerequisite for successful energy optimisation.

Energy consumption

  • Plant technical systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning/refrigeration)
  • Operational processes (production, motors, pumps, etc.)
  • Lighting
  • Office devices (PCs, servers, printers, etc.) and other electrical appliances

Energy sources

  • Fuel oil, gas, wood, solar, etc.
  • Electricity


  • We will identify your business’s main areas of energy consumption.
  • We will identify where your potential energy efficiency improvements lie (energy losses and unnecessary standby operation).
  • We will analyse your electricity consumption over time and identify your peak consumption periods.
  • We will identify the potential economically viable use of renewable energy sources.
  • We will draw up a list of measures designed to increase your energy efficiency, including energy payback time.

How you benefit

  • With our energy consulting services, you can be confident you will fulfil your energy legal requirements (e.g. legislation governing large-scale users).
  • You will be able to identify the energy consumption specific to each of your facilities and find out where you can make savings.
  • You will save energy and reduce your costs (energy optimisation, energy management, tax exemption).
  • You will optimise the energy consumption and comfort of your plant technical systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning).
  • You will be eligible for energy grants from the Swiss government (e.g. PEIK) and the Canton (building envelope and technology grants, implementation grant, etc.).

Your contacts

Do you have any questions about our services? We look forward to hearing from you!

Silvio Borella
Dr. phil. nat. Physiker
+41 32 674 45 21

Thomas Selmair
Umweltingenieur FH
+41 32 674 45 51